See for Yourself

Untitled by givingyouthescoop

Results from a recent study reinforced previous evidence that men and women really do see things differently. Women are better at distinguishing subtle variations in color while men are better at detecting fast moving objects in detail from afar.

These differences in abilities are likely linked to humans’ hunter-gatherer past. Males developed skills that would aid in their role as hunters: detecting predators and prey and responding quickly. And females’ vision became attuned to refining their role as gatherers: recognizing and identifying nearby, stationary objects with precision.

Mens’ ability to track rapid movement is boosted by masculine hormones and they are born with 25% more neurons in the region of the brain that provides this function. Meanwhile, women can describe gradations of color with significantly more detail and can recognize colors from memory; this is spread across all languages and cultures.

These varying skills are perpetuated in modern life and give a solid reason as to why everyone does not see eye to eye.


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